by Marco Biraghi | Talking about a Milanese identity of modern architecture means recognizing not just a local value but also a leading role on the international scene of the architectural output of the city after World War II […].
di Marco Biraghi | «La vida es sueño», scriveva Pedro Calderón de La Barca nel XVII secolo. Intendeva dire che la vita è «un’illusione», che ogni cosa che ci pare reale non è null’altro che «un’ombra, una finzione».
Log accepts unsolicited submissions of previously unpublished work, including, but not limited to, writings, drawings, and photos.
The general theme for the 2015 U&U Seminar is “The Horizontal Metropolis: a radical project”. Horizontal Metropolis is both an image and a concept, it is a lens through which to view the form of the contemporary city
di Davide Derossi | […] anche Torino a questo punto vuole le sue archistars. Si tratta di una richiesta specifica avanzata dall’amministrazione, ma anche dagli immobiliaristi, dai costruttori, dai giornali […]
Video by Stefano Santamato and Francesco Lonardi
Voice by Matteo De Mojana
Since 2004 Gizmo’s main focuses are on history and criticism of contemporary architecture. In a complex and interconnected society as the one of today, differences do not really consist of “what”, but rather of “how” […]
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