A critical aspect of the building’s form is its re-creation of domestic style space within public space. In a country such as Australia where domestic architecture is predominant in cultural terms, the “domestication” of public institutions is a way […]
by Antony Moulis
Il ponte che Santiago Calatrava ha disegnato per Venezia connette direttamente piazzale Roma con l’area della stazione ferroviaria di Santa Lucia e costituisce il quarto attraversamento pedonale sul Canal Grande. Secondo l’ex sindaco Massimo Cacciari […]
di Silvia Giabbanelli
Thursday, 8 September 2011 6:30PM, Hastings Hall (180 York Street, Paul Rudolph Hall) Yale School of architecture Yvonne […]
Selected, translated and with an introduction by Thomas Daniell. This eighth instalment in the AA’s widely acclaimed Architecture […]
The time has come for scholars who share research and teaching objectives in architectural history to gather at […]
Flipping through an architecture magazine or clicking through the feed of one of the countless architecture blogs online today, it quickly becomes evident that contemporary architectural production suffers from a chronic case of hyperinflated personality syndrome, a pathology which causes buildings and their authors to engage […]
by Joseph Grima
È visitabile a Roma fino a ottobre 2011 WHATAMI, il progetto dello studio romano stARTT, vincitore della […]
MAC e BEIC: i grandi progetti milanesi destinati a rimanere sulla carta e Boeri, dopo una parentesi durata […]