by DOGMA (Pier Vittorio Aureli and Martino Tattara) – The following proposes an idea of the city based on architecture. It is a well-known fact that the modern city is characterised by a great divergence between the scale of architectural form and the urban dimension […]
Verso la fine del millennio, Bruno Zevi scriveva che in tutta la storia dell’architettura italiana gli «autentici architetti-poeti […], creatori di linguaggi spaziali», sono sette (7!): Arnolfo di Cambio, Filippo Brunelleschi, Michelangiolo Buonarroti, Andrea Palladio, Baldassare Longhena, Francesco Borromini e Guarino Guarini. […]
di Diego Terna
This is a radical and original building, and it achieves such things within one of the less expected fields: in the real estate market, where the already proven or where old answers, only decorated differently tend to be the case, this building […]
by Alejandro Aravena
di Marco Biraghi I giudizi sul Museo del Novecento di Milano, recentemente inaugurato al termine di un iter […]
Forty-six years after the «Architectural Review» noted that Mozambique’s Pancho Guedes had received «no attention … by the outside world,» little has changed, and yet Guedes’ work maps back onto a larger history of modern architecture in at least three obvious and interrelated ways. […]
by Simon Sadler
Drawing is the prism through which Pancho understands and creates his worlds. It is the medium through which everything he makes, begins. The prism is the engine of his imagination where the alchemy takes place, releasing images by transforming ideas and hunches into thoughts with some fixity of form and definite presence. […]
by Pedro Guedes
A New York si inaugurano le performance architettoniche! «Storefront for […]
Negli ultimi anni, una crescita edilizia smisurata ha investito la periferia madrilena: ampli viali dividono isolati che sembrano essere raccolti in loro stessi, lasciando poco spazio a relazioni con una strada che assume le dimensioni di un’autostrada. Qualche anno […]
di Pietro Pizzi
Ciò che manca
In questo libro mancano molte cose: mancano le ultime opere di Frank O. Gehry, Richard Meier, Steven Holl, Peter Zumthor, Paulo Mendes da Rocha, Alvaro Siza, Rafael Moneo, Antón García-Abril, Valerio Olgiati, Cino Zucchi; manca la 12. Mostra Internazionale di Architettura di Venezia; mancano Dubai […]
Built at the junction of the impossible with the available, or of the possible and the enchanting non-existent, fantastic architecture is the serious game of projection between iam and nondum, the already and the not-yet […] by Guglielmo Bilancioni